
Pentesting Tool For Win HVNC + Hidden RDP Powerful Tool

Original price was: ₹ 41,666.93.Current price is: ₹ 8,200.00.


The XWorm RAT V5.6 is a comprehensive, updated remote access tool designed for Windows 8, 10, and 11 systems. This latest version features a suite of advanced functionalities, including a robust compilation process utilizing various tools like Schtasks, multi-DNS support, anti-analysis mechanisms, and encryption options for stable and secure connections.

Windows 8, 10, 11

XWorm RAT V5.2 Latest UPDATE ✅

It is the latest version of private RAT called Xworm. ⭐️

COMPILING: Download all source files, launch builder, and fill in all gaps

✅ | Schtasks – Startup – Registry | [Change Path]
✅ | Multi Dns |
✅ | TBotNotify – AntiKill – WDEX – Keylogger – Clipper – Sleep – Obfuscator |
✅ | AntiAnalysis – USB Spread – Icon – Assembly |
✅ | Icon Pack |

⭐ Connection :
✅ | Stable Connection – Encrypted Connection – Encrypted Strings |

⭐ Extra Tools :
✅ | Fud Downloader [HTA] – Check Port – Icon Changer – Multi Binder [Icon – Assembly – Obfuscator] |

⭐ Features :

✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse – Keyboard – AutoSave – Window]
✅ Run File [Disk – Link – Memory – Script – RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible – Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS – IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart – Close – Uninstall – Update – Block – Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown – Restart – Logoff]

⭐ Options :

✅ BlankScreen [Enable – Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable – Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable – Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable – Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable – Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable – Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ DeleteRestore

⭐ Password Recovery :

✅ | Passwords – Cookies – CreditCards – Bookmarks – Downloads – Keywords – History – Autofill | [Chromium]
✅ | Passwords – Cookies – Bookmarks – History | [Firefox]
✅ | All-In-One – Discord Tokens – TelegramSession – ProductKey – MetaMask – InternetExplorer – FileZilla – Wifi Keys |

⭐ Pastime :

✅ CD ROOM [Open – Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show – Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap – Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show – Hide]
✅ Screen [ON – OFF]
✅ Volume [Up – Down – MUTE]
✅ Start [Show – Hide]
✅ Clock [Show – Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start – Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show – Hide]

🔆 Extra 1 :

✅ ReportWindow
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline – Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FileSeacher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs – Cmstp]

🔆 Extra 2 :

✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt – PowerShell – explorer | | EdgeBrowser – BraveBrowser – FireFoxBrowser – ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion

🔆 Tasks :

✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible – Invisible]
✅ Recovery [Passwords – Cookies]
✅ Run File [Disk – Link – Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients

🔆 New Features :

✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager – Monitor – HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Support All Systems

🔆 [ ✅ Lifetime – ✅ Support – ✅ Updates ]

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